"Following one person’s vision is not being patriotic. It is not a principal of democracy," Richard Rill of Crystal Lake writes in a letter to the editor.

"Greetings to foreign residents. You have just won the “Biden/Harris Lottery," Ronald Hameetman of Fox River Grove writes in a letter to the editor.

"Regarding the recently completed Summer Olympics in Paris, the opening ceremonies wowed me, the athletes’ backstories engaged me and the sporting events drew all my attention and enthusiasm," Jim Bauman of Crystal Lake writes in a letter to the editor.

"The Democrat Party, 'saving democracy,' has ignored the will of millions of Democratic primary voters who cast ballots for Joe Biden as president, not Kamala Harris, for her name wasn’t on the ballot," Robert Meale of Crystal Lake writes in a letter to the editor.

"Being a witness to that love made me feel like I was the one who got hug today," Julie Ann Monroe of Woodstock writes in a letter to the editor.

"Like a kid that can’t wait for Christmas, I can’t wait for Sept. 10," Carl Hurtig of Crystal Lake writes in a letter to the editor.

"It was so sad that the DNC’s hyper-focused obsession with abortion and its culture of death was on full display during its convention week," Doug Peterson of McHenry writes in a letter to the editor.

"If you live in Illinois, you should be talking about government consolidation or elimination. Why? Illinois, too many units of local government: 8,529," Bob Anderson of Wonder Lake writes in a letter to the editor.

"Paul Thomas is also running for McHenry County Board District 7. He’s serious about serving the residents of District 7 and not entitled. It’s time for a change!" Lisa Rode of McHenry writes in a letter to the editor.