I was initially supporting Christie Cox for Ogle County coroner simply because I’ve known her for many years and always found her to be a person of integrity.
I recently sat down with Christie to discuss some of my concerns about the Ogle County coroner’s office, namely that their budget has doubled since I left office in 2018 and, even beyond that growth, they were significantly over their original budget several of those years.
I came away from that meeting confident that Christie shares my philosophy of needing to be fiscally conservative while maintaining great service to her constituents. When she is elected, she will run the office like a business, taking a hard look at office practices and spending to eliminate any waste and enhance productivity.
Ogle County needs and deserves this kind of conservative leadership. I hope everyone will join me in voting for Christie Cox for Ogle County coroner on March 19!
John Coffman, Polo
John Coffman is a former Ogle County treasurer.