Sycamore had 10 sectional qualifiers as it won the Rockford East Regional, DeKalb qualified five, Lexi Carlsen drained four 3s as the NIU women, plus more in the prep roundup.
Payton Huber scored 19 or Indian Creek in a win, Kaneland girls wrestling knocked off DeKalb and the NIU men lost. That and more in the roundup.
The Sycamore dance team took second at its home sectional and earned a trip to state next week, the NIU men's basketball team won its first MAC game and other basketball and wrestling scores in the roundup.
An Elmhurst native with experience as both a coordinator and position coach, Rob Harley has joined the Northern Illinois University football coaching staff as defensive coordinator.
Marcus Johnson powered a Genoa-Kingston comeback at Harvest Christian as part of a boys-girls doubleheader sweep, Aiden Cooper had 21 points and 21 rebounds, the NIU men lose at home plus more in the roundup.
Quinn Sanders has been named offensive coordinator and quarterbacks coach at Northern Illinois University, head coach Thomas Hammock announced Tuesday.
Former Sycamore teammates Evyn Carrier (Western Michigan) and Lexi Carlsen (NIU) combined for 19 points and 14 rebounds in the Broncos' 61-57 win over the Huskies on Saturday.
DeKalb has no mountains and is not in the west. MACtion is great. But neither are reasons to jeopardize the future. College football is about to change very quickly, and NIU administrators have taken a big swing to give the school's atlhetics the best chance to survive.
A roundup of sports around the DeKalb area for Tuesday, Jan. 7, 2025.