Glenbard INCubator program awards pitch night winners

Pictured (L to R): Glenbard East teacher Don Prochilo, Ari Pierson, Carlos Plascencia, Sam Ebihara, Joey Dabisch and team mentor Dave Orr

Glenbard Township High School District 87′s INCubator program had its final pitch night of the year May 13 at Glenbard East High School.

The winning team pitched BounceBack, a tabletop game geared toward neurodiverse students that is a combination of Skee-ball and can jam. In putting its game to test in the market, the team obtained testimonials and feedback from students in a number of special education programs. At the final pitch night, they earned funding to invest in their business.

The winning team of Ari Pierson, Carlos Plascencia, Sam Ebihara and Joey Dabisch will be featured on the eastbound-facing digital billboard at Interstate 355 and Roosevelt Road through the end of May.

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