'We are mindful that the legislature has considered amending the Vehicle Code, but it might also consider amending the Regulation Act'
John Williston Cook left a towering legacy on higher education in Illinois at the turn of the century. The founding president of Northern Illinois University, buildings are named for him at two of the state’s major universities.
The law enforcement community seeks changes now that a new Cook County state's attorney has taken office
Sincere belief in cash bail elimination carries a commitment to ensuring the current law applies equally in all cases.
Over the years I’ve tried to spend a few column inches sharing reader inspirations in hopes of making everyone’s holidays a little brighter.
We’re not to the point of remembering the past, we’re living the first draft of history.
Americans have endured some tough years of late, which is nothing new in our history. One example is 1918, though that November, people found plenty of reasons to celebrate Thanksgiving.
DeWitt Clinton has been called the “father” of the legendary Erie Canal. It was only one part of a formidable legacy.
'…the entire landscape of public education has been dramatically altered, presenting new challenges and heightened scrutiny of public schools.'