Every now and then I wish I were a child again. And June 16 was one of those times.
I covered the grand opening of a new traveling, hands-on, STEAM (science, technology, engineering, arts and math) exhibit at the Ottawa Street Branch of the Joliet Public Library in downtown Joliet.
The exhibit is called “The Questioneers: Read. Question. Think. PLAY!” and it’s based on the Questioneers characters in the book series by author Andrea Beaty and illustrator David Roberts.
This exhibit was larger and more elaborate than I envisioned, even though I already knew it spanned all three floors of the library. But you really need to see it, all seven displays of it, to fully grasp its scope.
Let me put it this way. If I still had young children, I would take them to the exhibit multiple times. We would focus on just one piece of the exhibit. This was, we could fully explore it and maximize its discovery benefits.
But last Wednesday, Mallory Hewlett, the library’s communications manager, gave me a tour of each display and showcased its unique parts.
You see, each Questioneers character has “different abilities, races, ethnicities, genders, and upbringing,” the Joliet Public Library said. And all those individual, diverse traits are reflected in the exhibit, too.
So each display focuses on one character along with that character’s passion and pursuit as it relates to STEAM.
Kids can also fly with Rosie Revere, engineer, in her Cheese Copter; build a bridge to save the class with Iggy Peck, architect; lead a movement with Sofia Valdez, future “prez,” while playing a game on Sofia’s Citizen’s Park; telling a story through drawings just like Aaron Slater, illustrator; and questioning “how the world works while sitting in Ada’s thinking chair,” the Joliet Public Library said.
To further enliven the characters’ personalities, the exhibit even has their “classroom” in the library’s lower level, along with STEAM items that further reflect the characters.
Hewlett previously said the library partnered with the DuPage Childrens Museum, which built the exhibit and then shared with the Joliet Public Library. The Joliet Public Library is the only library that was offered this exhibit, Hewlett said.
When bringing your children (or grandchildren, etc.), give yourself plenty of time for everyone to engage with the displays.
And then give yourself plenty of time when you return. Because I’m fairly certain you will want to return again – and again.
Denise M. Baran-Unland is the features editor at The Herald-News in Joliet. Contact her at 815-280-4122 or dunland@shawmedia.com.
WHAT: “The Questioneers: Read. Question. Think. PLAY!”
WHEN: 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Monday through Thursday and 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Friday and Saturday
WHERE: Joliet Public Library, 150 N. Ottawa St. Joliet
ETC: Interactive exhibit available during library hours through July 29.
INFO: For more information, call 815-740-2660 or visit jolietlibrary.org and andreabeaty.com/questioneers.html.