Traffic charges dismissed against teen driver in Tampico triple fatal

A memorial to accident victims Jayden Lee Hanson and Channing Swertfeger, both 14, and 16-year-old Douglas “DJ” Dorathy  continues to grow Tuesday, April 16, 2024 at the intersection of Luther and Hahnaman Roads in rural Whiteside County.

ROCK FALLS – The traffic charges against the teen driver of a pickup truck that investigators said failed to stop at an intersection on March 28, resulting in the deaths of his three teen passengers, have been dismissed for now.

That’s because the investigation into the cause of the crash is continuing. This is a common process when a person involved in a fatal traffic crash is charged with a traffic violation.

Once the investigation is complete, the Whiteside County State’s Attorney’s Office will review the evidence to decide if more serious charges should be filed, if it will reinstate the original traffic charges, or if it will make any other charging decision based on the findings.

Keyan L. Crow, 17, of Deer Grove, was cited on April 2 for failure to stop and for violating his graduated license restrictions. Those charges were dismissed April 10.

The driver of the semitractor-trailer that hit the pickup, Korey L. Hostetler, 29, also of Deer Grove, was cited April 1 for failure to reduce speed to avoid an accident. His charge stands, and he has an initial appearance April 25.

Crow was driving his 2003 Ford pickup north on Luther Road just outside of Tampico about 1 p.m. when he failed to stop at a stop sign and was struck by Hostetler’s semi, which was traveling east on Hahnaman Road, Whiteside County Sheriff John Booker said.

Jayden Hanson and Channing Swertfeger, both 14, and Douglas “DJ” Dorathy, 16, died at the scene. Crow was treated for injuries that were not life-threatening.

A memorial to accident victims Jayden Lee Hanson and Channing Swertfeger, both 14, and 16-year-old Douglas “DJ” Dorathy  continues to grow Tuesday, April 16, 2024 at the intersection of Luther and Hahnaman Roads in rural Whiteside County.

He initially was cited for disobeying a stop sign and because, until he turns 18 on Nov. 7, the number of passengers he is allowed to carry is limited to one person younger than 20, unless the passenger or passengers are siblings.

All four boys were Prophetstown-Lyndon-Tampico High School/Middle School students. Channing was an eighth-grader.

Hostetler, who was driving for Fairfield Specialty Eggs in Deer Grove, was not injured, the sheriff said.

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Kathleen Schultz

Kathleen A. Schultz

Kathleen Schultz is a Sterling native with 40 years of reporting and editing experience in Arizona, California, Montana and Illinois.