Study Shows Long-Term Care Insurance Affordable and Rate Stable

While many couples know they need a plan in place to address longevity and the costs of long-term health care, some avoid planning because they think the solution is either too expensive or subject to premium increases.

A new study completed by a national consumer education and advocacy group indicates these fears are overblown.

“The American Association for Long-Term Care Insurance surveyed the nation’s top actuaries and a clear majority say the chances of premium increases on today’s products are nil. These products are now designed and priced under new regulations and proper assumptions that the older legacy products sold decades ago did not have,” said Matt McCann, a nationally known expert on Long-Term Care Insurance and planning.

McCann says while you read a lot about the older plans, the fact is today’s Long-Term Care Insurance is not only affordable but rate stable. This is good news for consumers who want to protect their 401(k)s, IRAs, 403(b)s and other assets from the financial costs and burdens of aging.

“Longevity creates many challenges when planning for a future successful retirement. The cost of long-term care services and supports will impact even those of great means much less middle America. We know caregiving is hard and stressful for family members,” McCann said.

“Paid care will drain assets and adversely impact income and lifestyle. The answer the easy – affordable Long-Term Care Insurance. These plans are already paying billions in benefits to American families and they can give your family peace-of-mind,” McCann added.

It is crucial to work with a specialist who represents all the major companies and has the experience in underwriting, policy design, claims and the federal partnership program. McCann, licensed nationwide, is endorsed by the American Association for Long-Term Care Insurance and works with all the major insurance companies.

McCann helps people nationwide with his unique process where they speak with him on the phone while seeing his computer screen on their computer. He recommends these reference websites for research:

LTC News offers articles and resources:

US Department of Health and Human Services:

Free Long-Term Care Insurance Quotes:

McCann’s website also features numerous resources, so consumers can learn more about long-term care planning.

McCann Insurance Services: 866.751.7957: