Glenbard Parent Series continues Sept. 19 with program on self-compassion

Glenbard Parent Series: Navigating Healthy Families in Glen Ellyn

The Glenbard Parent Series: (GPS) Navigating Healthy Families will present The Path to Loving Ourselves: Self-Compassion and Self-Care for Turbulent Times with best-selling author Shelly Tygielski at noon and 7 p.m. Sept. 19, via Zoom. Visit for information and links to the webinars.

Though it might seem easy to love other people, it can be difficult to find a little love for ourselves. Many people struggle with feeling unworthy at some point. If people cultivate self-compassion and self-care, they can avoid self-doubt and inadequacy.

Meditation teacher Tygielski will share tools to promote self-love, support emotional and physical health, build resilience and pave the way for kind, compassionate engagement with oneself and family.

As parents/guardians become more patient and self-loving, teens will be encouraged to act the same and view themselves in sympathetic, healthy and positive ways.

To be placed on a reminder list for GPS events or submit a question in advance, contact Gilda Ross, Glenbard District 87 student and community projects coordinator, at or 630-942-7668.

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