Two busloads of migrants dropped off at Elmhurst train station

Two busloads of migrants who reportedly had entered the U.S. in Texas were dropped off at the Elmhurst train station Saturday night, police announced.

Two busloads of migrants who reportedly had entered the U.S. in Texas were dropped off at the Elmhurst train station Dec. 23, police said.

Ninety-one people were on the buses, according to a post on the Elmhurst Police Department’s Facebook page.

The first bus, containing 58 people, arrived about 7 p.m., police said. Someone bought Metra tickets for all the bus riders and they boarded a 9:13 p.m. train for Chicago, police said.

Everyone remained on the bus until the train arrived, police said.

Elmhurst police and firefighters helped coordinate the situation and answered questions, according to the post.

The second bus, containing 33 people, arrived later. The people boarded an 11:15 p.m. train to Chicago.

Both gatherings were peaceful, authorities said.

In response to a recent influx of migrants arriving from Texas, the Illinois Department of Human Services announced Dec. 24 that the state is reserving more hotel rooms to house them.

The state made about 30 hotel rooms available Saturday night, with more rooms for up to 200 people expected to be available Sunday, according to a news release.

The Illinois Department of Human Services is working with Chicago officials to find hotel rooms for the migrants. The city is providing transportation for the people.

Those in hotels will be moved to a pharmacy being converted into a shelter in the Little Village neighborhood when construction finishes in January, officials said.

Gov. JB Pritzker in November announced the state is setting aside an additional $160 million to address the ongoing humanitarian crisis presented by the arrival of people seeking asylum at the nation’s southern border. The funds are designed to pay for shelter, food, medical care and other expenses.