New shop in downtown Geneva makes it easy to give old kids’ clothes new life

GENEVA - A clothing store in downtown Geneva makes it simple for growing children to get the fit they need.

“I have four kids of my own and they are always growing. I have always enjoyed reselling, so it was a great fit for me,” said Kristy Wynveen, the owner of Always Growing.

Opening in early November, Always Growing is a children’s consignment shop located at 500 S. 3rd St., in downtown Geneva. Store hours are Tuesday through Saturday 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. and Sunday 11 a.m. to 4 p.m.

The store sells clothes on consignment. The public can bring gently-used clothing for newborns through teens, then Wynveen and her staff will price them and make them available for sale. The consignor will then receive 40% of the price if sold. If the clothes don’t sell, the original owner can come and pick them up, but if not, Always Growing will donate them.

“I think most people think of children’s consignment shops and don’t think of us for the bigger sizes, but we have them,” Wynveen said. “It would be great if some older kids would come in to check stuff out, we have such a wide variety of clothes for kids trying to pick their own style.”

Anyone interested in selling clothes with Always Growing can set up an appointment at