Note to readers: Information in Police Reports is obtained from local police departments and the Grundy County Sheriff’s Department. Individuals listed in Police Reports who have been charged with a crime have not been proved guilty in court.
• James Milton, 52, of Morris, was arrested Dec. 19 by Morris police and charged with driving under the influence of alcohol. He posted bond and was released with a court date of Jan. 23.
• Vasna Fantin, 48, of New Lenox was arrested Dec. 19 by Morris police and charged with deceptive practice and resisting a police officer. Fantin was booked into the Grundy County Jail.
• Adam Riley, 43, of Morris, was arrested Dec. 15 by Morris police and charged with criminal damage to property. He posted bond and was released with a court date of Jan. 23.
• Ira Crowder, 59, of Joliet, was arrested Dec. 11 by Minooka police and charged with felony driving while license suspended. He could not post bond and was transported to the Grundy County Jail.
• Kyle Kerr, 29, of Morris was arrested Dec. 11 by Grundy County Sheriff’s Department on a failure to appear warrant for the charge of resisting arrest. He posted bond and was released with a court date of Jan. 9.
• Austin Giovengo, 21, of Mazon, was arrested Dec. 8 by Grundy County Sheriff’s Department and charged with domestic battery. He posted bond and was released.
• Drew Ballenger, 24, was arrested Dec. 15 by Grundy County Sheriff's Department and chaged with domestic battery. He could not post bon and was being held at Grundy County Jail.
• Dustin Coldiron, 27, of Burbank, was arrested Dec. 18 by Grundy County Sheriff’s Department on a Grundy County warrant for possession of a controlled substance. He posted bond and was released with a court date of Dec. 29.