Thank you letters to Sauk Valley Veterans

AgriNews will dedicate its Nov. 8 online and Nov. 10 print editions to veterans to thank them for their selfless service and dedication to our country.

Veteran Dallas K. Griffith: Dear soldier & son, of the Fort Benning Infantry Army; serving during the Covid pandemic & everything that went along with getting Covid while you were in basic training. I thank you for your bravery, endurance, patriotic spirit to this country & your family. Praying for the spiritual battle ahead, in Jesus Name I pray for your heart, mind, and soul be grounded in our Saviour!🙏🏼🛐🙌🏼 Love your Mother -Amy Griffith

Veteran Jason Schneider: Thank you for your service. I respect your sacrifice and I’m grateful for the example you have set for our children. We honor you. Angie Schneider

Veteran Frederick Carl Rodekamp Jr: I would like to extend my appreciation for my father, Fred Rodekamp. Dad enlisted in the United States Army during the Vietnam war. After returning home, my father still felt the calling to continue to serve his country in the Illinois National Guard. He served full time on active duty status until retirement. At the time I could not appreciate his commitment to serving his country. However, I have grown to understand what an incredible gift he has given his country and family through his service. Thank you, Dad. Words cannot express my love, pride and appreciation for what you have accomplished. Angie Lobdell

Veteran Courtney Hawkins: I want to thank my hero and daughter for her service. She is so independent and so strong. More than 6 months ago, she was deployed leaving an 18 month old with her military husband. Not many moms or dads out there to have both successful careers while deployed and also being successful parents. I could not be more proud and pay for a quick return soon for her. Brijitte Hartsfield

Veteran Travis Getzendaner: Thank you for your service. Mathew Pace

Veteran Charles B. Fiorini: Dear Dad, I just wanted to write this to you and let you know that we really are blessed to know you. We are so proud that you joined Company M with the National Guard and then went out to World War II to Guadal Canal, where you selflessly carried a fellow soldier n his pack to safety as he told you to leave him behind. The Bronze Star serves as a reminder that you were so brave and always thought of others in everything you did for us seven children and mom! God bless our devoted soldiers and our great country they guard! Regina Fiorini-Frank

Veteran Kenneth C Macklin: We’re so proud of our father Kenneth Macklin. He raised us to show respect for all military personnel, especially the veterans. He taught us to show respect for people that fought for us while they gave up their lives to keep us safe. Plus in his eyes, we’re all family. Thank you for serving & for teaching us how to respect each other. Barbara McGuire

Jeremy Kobbeman: Thank you for your service. We love you. Mary, Harper & Landon Kobbeman

Veteran Ward P. Donovan: I would like to thank my husband Ward and all veterans for serving our great country. I truly appreciate your service and thank you from the bottom my heart. Leigh Donovan

Veteran Steven Ray Petkiewicz: I just wanna say how proud and grateful I am to have him as my husband for his sacrifice he made to keep us all safe. All the long nights and wondering where he was, and if he was safe during his tour in Afghanistan being so far away. It was a life we both loved together, and I wouldn’t change it for the world even knowing all the scares and in-betweens it came with. He has made a lot of people proud for the life he had before, and I know his mom is smiling from heaven watching over him. Jessica Petkiewicz

Veteran Stephanie Jones: Thank you for giving up everything for your country. We are proud of you. Amanda Grant

Veteran Homer William Webb: We love and miss him everyday. Andrea Tyne

Veteran Jeremy Trump: Wanted to say a big thanks to Jeremy Trump for your service we all appreciate you. Destine Trump

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