Grieving During the Holidays

Jones Funeral Home - Grieving During the Holidays

Coping with the loss of a loved one can make the holidays a particularly difficult time. While this time of year should be joyful and uplifting, the grief over losing someone we love can feel even more difficult knowing we can’t spend the holidays with them.

The good news is that there are ways to feel better, cope more easily, and enjoy the festivities. Here are some tips to ease your grief during the holiday season.

  • Give Grief Its Time

It’s important to remember that grieving is part of healing. Let the emotions come naturally; this will help you get to a state of acceptance. Allow the feelings to come, but continue to do the things you enjoy – especially for yourself. It is good to practice self-care. This could be in the form of exercise, enjoying your favorite foods, or engaging in fun social activities with family and friends.

  • Be with Others

Spending time with others whom you love is just as important as spending time with yourself. Attend a family gathering, a work party, or just grab a drink with a friend. Surround yourself with people who are important to you. This will keep you engaged and surrounded with positive energy.

  • Start New Traditions

One of the main reasons the holidays can be difficult when coping with a loss is because we associate them with fond memories and traditions that the person is no longer a part of. But this provides the unique opportunity to start new traditions in their honor. Watching one of their favorite movies, eating their favorite food, or doing a holiday activity they loved are all ways to recognize and share the holidays with the person, even if they are no longer here.

For more information about how to better cope with a loss during the holidays, please visit, or call us at 815-288-2241.

Jones Funeral Home

204 S Ottawa Ave

Dixon, IL 61021

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