Letter: Property owner backs Hughes for mayor

Sauk Valley Letters to the Editor

To the Editor:

This letter is in regards to the coming election for mayor of the city of Dixon. Although I am not a Dixon resident and therefore cannot vote in the election, as a property owner in Dixon, I feel I have a vested interest in who should be the next mayor.

I believe that Glen Hughes is the best person for the job. I have known Hughes for many years. He is a wonderful person and a very community-minded individual. One look at Hughes’s resume, based on the various service organizations he is actively involved in, tells you that he cares about Dixon very much.

One organization of special note that Hughes is involved with is CASA. He is a CASA volunteer. CASA is an organization where individual volunteers represent children in abuse and neglect cases. Depending on the case, the volunteer may spend many hours dealing with the individual case they are assigned to. Hughes is one of those volunteers and has done a great job handling the cases he has been assigned.

Additionally, while Hughes has retired from his position at a local bank, his background as a banker and businessman can assist him in doing a great job for the city and citizens of Dixon.

For all the reasons above, I fully support Hughes for mayor and would ask all the citizens of Dixon to vote for him.

Michael C. Downey


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