Pug & Hound Pet Apothecary opens new space in Geneva

The Geneva Chamber of Commerce celebrated the opening of Pug & Hound Pet Apothecary's new space in Geneva with a ribbon-cutting ceremony on Saturday at its new location, 415 W. State St., Suite 101.

The Geneva Chamber of Commerce held a ribbon cutting for Pug & Hound Pet Apothecary’s new space on Saturday at its new location, 415 W. State St., Suite 101, Geneva.

Krysta Fox-Dire, Jeff Dire and their dog, Bruce, cut the ribbon held by Geneva Chamber Board Member Neil Johnson from SVN Landmark Commercial Real Estate, LLC, and Board Chair Michael Olesen from Stockholm’s Restaurant & Brewery. They were surrounded by staff, according to a news release from the chamber.

Friends, customers, Geneva Chamber staff, ambassadors and board members joined in the celebration, according to the release.

For more information on this business, visit pugandhound.com.