Geneva schools make annual staffing cuts, rehires could come in fall

Annual reduction in force allows more flexibility to plan for new school year

GENEVA – Eighteen certified staff and 15 educational support staff in Geneva School District 304 will not be reemployed for the 2024-25 school year, effective May 28.

The school board approved the recommendation April 8 after a memo from Assistant Superintendent for Human Resources Adam Law for the annual reduction in force of 33 staff.

The annual recommendation for dismissals is because of enrollment uncertainty in specific academic areas. It also protects the district from employing those whose services might not be needed, according to Law’s recommendation.

Once staffing requirements are better known for the next school year, those dismissed may be called back to work, according to Law’s memo.

Those to be dismissed from Geneva High School are art teacher Amy Allen, business education teacher Jennifer Higgins, industrial technology teacher Gerald Hund, music teacher James Minard and German teacher Rene Swidenbank.

Also to be dismissed from the high school are social workers Alexandria Gohla and Kelly Hesselbaum and guidance counselor Tricia Warren.

Others in the district who will be dismissed are art teacher Lauren Blackford at Heartland Elementary School, art teacher Jennifer Elsebaie at Fabyan Elementary School and Geneva Middle School South, art teacher Eva Lord at both middle schools, math teacher Elizabeth Stevenson and language arts teacher Kathleen Kennedy at Geneva Middle School North, psychologist Jade Magiera, first grade teacher Mark Morrison and second grade teachers Sandra Martin and Nicole McCloud at Harrison Street School.

Support staff that will be dismissed are kindergarten assistants Lindsey Fast, Stephanie Mountsier and Kari Bracey from Heartland, Catherine Carrino from Western Avenue, Courtney Grimes from Williamsburg, Jane Runyan from Harrison Street, Lindsay Sweeney from Mill Creek and classroom assistants Christine Todd from Harrison Street and Sarah Traven from Western Avenue.

Also to be dismissed are special education assistant Teryn Bryant and classroom assistant Emmy Conway from Western Avenue, special education assistant Colleen Krohe at Fabyan, special education assistant Allison Cook in the early education program, classroom assistant Alexandria McLean Becerra at the high school and classroom assistant Jessica Reynolds at Geneva Middle School North.