St. Charles Police Department now offering free Narcan and sharps disposal

St. Charles Police Department is now providing the public with free Narcan and sharps disposal at the department at 1515 W. Main St.

ST. CHARLES – In an effort to combat opioid overdoses, the St. Charles Police Department announced Feb. 23 that it will begin giving out free Narcan to anyone who wants it.

Both residents and nonresidents can anonymously enter the department’s lobby and pick up a box of Narcan. The dispensing location is in a hallway off the main lobby to ensure privacy.

The department also will begin accepting sharps in a collection box located in the lobby. Sharps are medical devices with sharp points or edges that can puncture or cut skin, including needles and syringes.

For several years the department has been accepting expired prescription medications for destruction.

The St. Charles Police Department encourages anyone who may be suffering from opioid addiction to reach out for assistance. Visit the Kane County Health Department’s website for more information.