Batavia’s fireworks set to launch this weekend after July Fourth cancellation

Fireworks explode in the night sky at Batavia's July 4 Sky Concert on Monday, July 4, 2022.

Fireworks are scheduled to go off this Saturday in Batavia, after the city’s Fourth of July display was canceled abruptly due to a computer mishap.

This weekend’s pyrotechnics will be launched from Engstrom Family Park, located at 326 Millview Drive, at 9 p.m. on Saturday, Aug. 5.

The July 4 show was canceled when the rockets failed to launch due to a computer malfunction that went undetected until the show was set to begin.

Batavia Fireworks Committee member Susan Stark said they are very excited to bring the show back to Batavia, and said the rescheduled show will be just like the Fourth of July, only a month later.

Stark said the fireworks show will be identical to the one that would have been held on Independence Day, with the hope that it’s even bigger than the original, since it will be the only one in the area. The fireworks will run rain or shine.

“We’re very excited and hoping for a perfect evening of great weather,” Stark said. “We’re really hoping it will draw from all over.”

There will be be glow-in-the-dark novelties for sale and music will be played until the show starts. Twelve food trucks, which is more than the July event was to have, will be serving from 5 to 9 p.m.

The same company that experienced technical difficulties at the July 4 show, Pyrotecnico, will be providing the pyrotechnics show this weekend.

Pyrotecnico Executive Vice President Chris Liberatore issued an apology to the Batavia community after the July 4 failure to launch. Liberatore said in the letter that it was the company’s intention to make things right at a future date, and offered to help support the cost of services required to reschedule the event.

Free parking will be available on the streets near Engstrom Family Park, and disabled parking will be available at Batavia Covenant Church.

Batavia’s fireworks events are run by the fireworks committee, and paid for by donations. The city of Batavia donates police and fire services.