Joliet Catholic Academy’s Class of 2024 graduated on Sunday, May 19, 2024 in the JCA Student Activity Center. Earlier in the week, JCA graduates took part in a Baccalaureate Liturgy led by Principal Celebrant Bishop Ronald Hicks, at the Cathedral of St. Raymond.
The Class of 2024 received awards highlighting the numerous accolades they garnered during their high school career. The graduation culminated in JCA’s newest graduates walking the stage and receiving their diplomas.
The highlight of the Baccalaureate Liturgy was the final awards announced: JCA’s Angel of the Year and Hillman of the Year, and the presentation of Class Valedictorian and Salutatorian.
JCA’s most prestigious award recognizes the two students who have upheld the highest standards of honesty and reliability, courtesy, concern and respect for others, have carried out their accepted responsibilities with enthusiasm and dedication, have influenced their peers by their positive attitudes, and have given witness to the Gospel values.
- Angel of the Year Award: Claire Blotnik
- Hillman of the Year Award: Nathan Novak
Each year the Administration of Joliet Catholic Academy awards the Valedictorian and Salutatorian of the senior class. This year’s outstanding nominees also delivered addresses at the Commencement Ceremony.
- Valedictorian: Jordan Reeves
- Salutatorian: Tristan Paul
The Joliet Catholic Academy community is extremely proud of these seniors and congratulates them and their parents for this great accomplishment. They join the select few of previous candidates who have attained this tremendous academic distinction.
Each year the JCA Athletic Department honors students who demonstrated both academic and athletic achievement.
- Scholar Athlete Award: Jordan Reeves
- Scholar Athlete Award: Jack Oswalt
The JCA Spirit Award recognizes students who have displayed academic excellence, school spirit, cooperation, loyalty, and service to the JCA community.
- Spirit Award: Tessa Bebar
- Spirit Award: Jacob Gimbel
For more information about Joliet Catholic Academy, please contact:
Joliet Catholic Academy : 1200 N. Larkin Avenue : Joliet, IL 60435 : Ph: 815-741-0500 :