Eric Lurry’s family members rally outside Will County state’s attorney’s office

Ralliers demand resignation of officials who cleared police in overdose death

Demonstrators protest against Will County State's Attorney James Glasgow on Monday in downtown Joliet in response to the death of Eric Lurry Jr.

Several of Eric Lurry’s family members held a rally against Will County State’s Attorney James Glasgow outside his office in downtown Joliet.

On Monday, six people were chanting “Glasgow, you gotta go!” and “no justice, no peace” and some were waving signs while at the outside corner of the state’s attorney’s office at Ottawa and Jefferson streets.

Lurry’s great-aunt, Minerva Sneed, yelled out through a microphone that Glasgow is “on notice.”

“Your reign in Will County is over. Give it up. It’s over. Give it up. You are a criminal,” she said.

Numerous protests have taken place in Joliet since early July in response to Lurry’s death after his arrest by Joliet police. The protest on Monday called for the resignation of several officials involved in the probe of the incident and for criminal charges against the officers at the scene of Lurry’s arrest.

“To give us peace, charge the sergeant, charge the officers, get rid of Glasgow, get rid of that coroner. That will give us some peace,” one protester said.

The Will County Coroner’s Office ruled Lurry’s death on Jan. 29 was from fatal intoxication of heroin, fentanyl and cocaine. After an investigation by the Will Grundy Major Crimes Task Force, Glasgow’s office concluded in a July 2 letter that Lurry’s death “did not result directly from any action or inaction” by officers at the scene.

“The Will County State’s Attorney’s Office reviewed police reports, videos, coroner’s report, autopsy and medical records relating to this investigation,” officials said.

Last week, Lurry’s widow, Nicole Lurry, filed a federal lawsuit against the city of Joliet and officers Douglas May, Andrew McCue, Jose Tellez and Lt. Jeremy Harrison, that accused the officers of causing her husband’s death.

In response to Monday’s protest, Glasgow’s spokeswoman, Carole Cheney, referred to the same letter that Glasgow’s office issued on the Lurry investigation.

Zohaib Khan, a write-in candidate for the coroner election in November, was at the protest. He said that if he were elected, he would reopen the Lurry case and classify it as a homicide.

“People are not fooled. They can see what’s going on,” Khan said.

Sneed said Glasgow is no better “than the people that’s locked up down the street and you will be joining them.”

“Because we won’t stop until we get justice,” Sneed said.

She said Glasgow should put on his door that he’s “gone fishing” and that he would not win his re-election bid in November.

“We are on top of this election,” Sneed said. “You know this is an election year for you, James. It’s over.”

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