A small crowd gathered around a frequent customer at Walt’s Ice Cream in Joliet on a recent Wednesday night and took a photo of him eating.
The customer is a parrot named Petey, and he belongs to Larry and Traci Jungles of Joliet. The couple said Petey cries for Walt’s Ice Cream at least twice a week.
“He likes the whipped cream,” Traci said.
On this night, the Jungles’ daughters, Lillian, 18, and Abigail, 16, joined them at a picnic table while onlookers asked questions.
“He’s a local celebrity,” Traci said.
And lest anyone think Petey might fly away or do anything unsanitary, the Jungleses had Petey on a leash, and Petey was wearing a diaper.
“It’s a flight suit,” Larry corrected. “If you say the ‘D’ word around him, he gets really weird.”
Larry admitted that they got Petey hooked on his ice cream habit.
“We brought him along for a ride once to get out of the house, and he wanted to eat what we were eating,” Larry said.
Larry and Traci had parrots growing up, and they’ve had parrots together. Petey, who is almost a year old, loves family life.
“He gets along really well with our two Chihuahuas,” Traci said.
Traci said Petey says three phrases: “What are you doing?” “Hi, Petey,” and “You be good boy.”
“He laughs at you and gives kisses, too,” Larry said.
Ice cream – and corn chips – are occasional treats. Larry said Petey’s diet mainstay is a “very good feed,” and Traci said Petey eats pellets and vegetables every single day.
Larry said they’ve taken Petey to other venues that serves ice, but Petey turns his beak up at those.
“He prefers Walt’s,” Larry said.