Police: Joliet sex offender accused of Facebook messaging with female teen

Mario Rubio

A Joliet man, already convicted of predatory criminal sexual assault, was arrested after he was accused of contacting a 15-year-old girl on Facebook Messenger, police said.

At 2:12 p.m. on Friday, Mario Rubio, 32, of Joliet, was booked into the Will County jail following his arrest on indecent solicitation of a child, grooming and traveling to meet a child.

“While conducting the two-month long investigation, it was confirmed that the victim was 15 year old and had prior sexual relations with Rubio.”

—  Will County Sheriff's Office

Rubio’s arrest was the result of a Will County Sheriff’s Office investigation.

The Illinois Department of Corrections notified sheriff’s detectives on March 25 that Rubio was engaging on Facebook Messenger with a 15-year-old girl, according to a statement from the sheriff’s office.

Officials from that department told detectives that Rubio was on parole for a past predatory criminal sexual assault conviction.

Rubio was paroled from prison on Aug. 21, 2020, according to the Illinois Department of Corrections. He was serving a 15-year prison sentence for predatory criminal sexual assault in a 2007 case from Will County.

“While conducting the two month long investigation, it was confirmed that the victim was 15 years old and had prior sexual relations with Rubio,” sheriff officials said.

Detectives took Rubio into custody during a traffic stop in Joliet.

Rubio will also be charged with a parole violation, sheriff officials said.

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