Letter: April is Sexual Assault Awareness Month

Sauk Valley Letters to the Editor

To the editor:

One in four girls and one in six boys will be sexually abused by the time they turn 18. One in five women and one in 16 men will be sexually assaulted while they are in college, and 8% of rapes occur while the victim is at work.

While the statistics are grim, April is the time to be aware of both the problems and solutions related to sexual violence.

Consent is a crucial way to prevent sexual violence. Consent is based on mutual respect and follows three simple steps. First, you ask. Make sure your partner is legally able to give consent. Then, you listen to your partner’s response. Finally, you accept your partner’s answer, even if it’s not the answer you want to hear. Ask, listen, accept … it’s that simple.

The YWCA of the Sauk Valley wants our community to value and expect consent in our interactions with others. We provide age-appropriate lessons to students and families about consent. We also provide free and confidential counseling to all ages and genders, along with legal advocacy services, and a 24-hour hotline for those who have experienced sexual violence and want support. Call our business office at 815-625-0333, or our hotlines at 815-626-7277 or 815-288-1011. The YWCA is a United Way agency.

Deb Walter

YWCA Sexual Assault program manager