Help us: Share your 9-11 experiences, memories for commemorative section

The 20th anniversary of the attacks on Sept. 11, 2001 approaches. The Gazette and Telegraph is asking readers to contribute recollections and photographs for a commemorative special section.

We are especially interested in having people share their thoughts, feelings and impressions after having visited either the Flight 93 National Memorial or the 9/11 Memorial in New York City.

If the attacks themselves prompted a career in service or advocacy, please share your thoughts and experiences. Did you become a first responder? Join the military? Enter government service? Dedicate yourself to a cause for peace?

If you were born on Sept. 11, please share how it has shaped your life as you grew up.

If the events of that day had a significant impact on your life, we invite you to contribute, as well.

Please send those memories and photographs in an email, Include your name and contact information. Please put 9-11 Memories in the subject line. Please contribute by Aug. 30.