Lee County internet connection accessibility survey open

A Letter to the Editor

DIXONLee County is conducting a survey to assess the availability and quality of internet service in the county.

“The survey is for us to essentially source data from residents of the county – whether they are served, underserved or not served at all – so we can understand how we can better work through our strategies internally,” Lee County Administrator Jeremy Englund said.

County officials plan to meet with internet service providers in the near future as part of their effort to create a broadband strategic plan and ensure all residents have internet access, he said.

Officials have an idea of where some underserved areas are located, but the survey will help confirm that and alert them to any additional areas, Englund said.

Anyone in Lee County can take the survey, Englund said. Ideally, they’ll take it while at their home and/or business, he said.

When taken online, the survey includes an internet connection speed test, Englund said.

“That’s going to be really important for us to understand what the divide is throughout the county,” he said.

The survey is open now and can be found by visiting go.Illinois.edu/ConnectLee. Paper copies of the survey are available by emailing info@countyoflee.com or by calling 815-288-5676.

Officials hope to have survey results by the end of April, but they can extend it if necessary, Englund said.

Alexa Zoellner

Alexa Zoellner

Alexa Zoellner reports on Lee, Ogle and Whiteside counties for Shaw Media out of the Dixon office. Previously, she worked for the Record-Eagle in Traverse City, Michigan, and the Daily Jefferson County Union in Fort Atkinson, Wisconsin.