D-C wrestling coach Tim Hayes and wife Katie deliver their son in a car

Katie and Tim Hayes, who is Dundee-Crown wrestling coach, with their newborn son Hudson, who they delivered in the car on their way to Advocate Sherman Hospital.

Being it was April 1, family members initially did not believe all of Tim and Katie Hayes’ exciting news Friday.

They did not question the part about their third child, son Hudson, coming into the world at 9:50 a.m.

The manner in which Hudson made his entrance – in the passenger seat of a car, about a quarter mile from Advocate Sherman Hospital in Elgin, so quickly that Tim grabbed him, handed him to Katie and was back in the driver’s seat to make the next green left-turn arrow – was a little hard to imagine.

“We told people and they were like, ‘OK, we kind of believe he was born, but really? Nice April Fools’ joke,’ " Katie said. “My dad was like, ‘I’m not falling for it.’ "

Later, Tim Hayes, who teaches U.S. History and is head wrestling coach at Dundee-Crown, texted evidence pictures from the front seat and floor, proof that Hudson’s remarkable birth was indeed real.

“I would say it was scary, but my wife was so calm and brave, it kind of helped me stay calm and brave,” Tim said. “She’s a trooper.”

Katie had gotten up around 6 a.m. and done her workout before experiencing sharp labor pains around 8. Tim called his parents, Tim and Lynn Hayes, to pick up daughter Julia (5 1/2 years old) and son Hayden (almost 3). Since Tim and Katie had a new car with the kids’ car seats, Tim and his father just switched cars.

The Hayeses were on their way to Advocate Sherman Hospital in Elgin, driving east on Route 72 and Katie’s water broke as Tim turned south onto Randall Road. Before they could reach the hospital, Hudson’s head was out.

“I was going to use the [hospital] entrance on Holmes [Road], but we didn’t make it that far,” Tim Hayes said. “We were at Fox Lane and I turned into the left-turn lane and the arrow had just turned red.

“I put it in park. She did all the work. She got the head out. I got my arm into his armpit and with three big pushes, I was able to get him out. I handed him back to her. She didn’t even hold up traffic. We didn’t even miss an arrow.”

Tim tried to obey speed limits and traffic lights along the way, although Katie had realized she was not going to make it to the hospital.

“We couldn’t call an ambulance. I couldn’t wait until they got there,” she said. “I just felt his head come through and thought, ‘Oh, goodness!’ I didn’t want to pull his head because that’s not good. I had Tim pull over so he could get a better grip. I was just like in survival mode. It was just instincts because [Hudson] made his choice.”

Hayden and Julia Hayes announced they would have a baby brother or sister coming last summer.

Once they pulled up to the emergency room entrance, Tim Hayes honked at a paramedic, who then summoned help. A gurney was brought out to wheel Katie and Hudson into the hospital.

“[Hudson] was still connected to me,” Katie said. “They got us in the ER and we needed blankets. I was white and he was chilly. They got us warmed up. Then they got us upstairs to finish up everything.”

Hudson was 7 pounds, 5 ounces and arrived a few days early, but otherwise everyone is doing well.

Tim posted pictures to his Facebook page later in the day, joking about Hudson’s first April Fools’ Day prank. Katie was still wearing her sunglasses she had on in the car.

Dundee-Crown wrestling coach Tim Hayes, here hugging his daughter Julia, had some fun after delivering his baby son Hudson on Friday.

Katie’s sister, Claire Gerules, just had a home birth four days prior to Hudson’s birthday, which came in handy for the Hayeses.

“I had overheard [Claire] say to clear the entrance of the mouth out,” Tim said. “Once I cleared that out, he started to cry and we knew he was all right and I handed him back to her.”

Katie had not taken medication during the births of Julia or Hayden and recalled encouraging words from her sister.

Hudson Fox Hayes arrived Friday morning on the car ride to Advocate Sherman Hospital. His middle name was changed because Hudson was born on Fox Lane, close to the hospital. By coincidence, parents Tim and Katie Hayes, already had a fox for Hudson.

" ‘Remember to stay calm. Take your breaths. It’s almost over,’ " Katie said. “It was nice having those words in my head.”

The Hayeses were so pumped up by the excitement they did not get to sleep until after 2 a.m. Saturday. Since Julia and Hayden are already at Tim’s parents, they decided to stay Saturday night at the hospital and come home Sunday.

Tim said the siblings know they have a baby brother and Julia knows Hudson came out in the car.

Hudson’s hasty arrival also prompted a name change. Instead of the planned Hudson Ray Hayes, his name is Hudson Fox Hayes, a reference to his Fox Lane birth spot and a permanent reminder of an exhilarating day that was no joke.

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