Letter: DNC’s obsession with abortion on full display

Letter to the Editor

It was so sad that the DNC’s hyper-focused obsession with abortion and its culture of death was on full display during its convention week. The mobile abortion van out front of the center was a macabre sight. Gov. Pritzker’s cajoling push to reframe abortion as an economic issue was sick. We have all seen ultrasound images of our kids, grandkids, nieces, nephews or any number of connections. We all intuitively KNOW what we are looking at when presented with these images. Many of us have been personally a part of or seen photos of “gender reveal” parties. We all intuitively know what we celebrate: An unborn human life with a beating heart.

Candidate Clinton’s 2016 statement to make abortion safe, legal, and rare has been tossed out the window by the ever-increasing radicals controlling a once great political party. Now, it’s whenever and whoever wants an abortion, let’s make it safe, legal, and as easy and common as popping a pill on the way inside the DNC convention.

When you cast your ballot, ask yourself two questions. Are we to be a nation of love, life, and mercy toward the unborn? And the real economic issue of this election. Am I better off than I was four years ago?

Doug Peterson


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