If you have pets in your household, you know how much joy and unconditional love they can bring. But that great companionship also brings a lot of responsibility, including the important decision of whether to spay or neuter your pets.
Here are the benefits of having this surgical procedure performed:
1. Helps reduce pet overpopulation
The fight against pet homelessness continues, with millions of unwanted animals euthanized annually, including innocent puppies and kittens, according to the American Veterinary Medical Association. The good news? Pet owners who choose to spay or neuter their pets are doing their part to prevent the birth of unwanted animals.
2. Helps boost a pet’s lifespan and overall health
Studies consistently show that neutered dogs and cats live longer, healthier lives on average compared to their intact counterparts. This may be due to a reduction of certain health risks and the prevention of unwanted behaviors associated with breeding hormones.
Additionally, spaying female dogs and cats can prevent uterine infections and reduce the risk of breast cancer, while neutering males can eliminate their risk of testicular cancer and reduce their risk of developing an enlarged prostate gland.
3. Helps with a pet’s behavior
Spaying and neutering isn’t just good for a pet’s physical health. It can also make him or her calmer and more manageable. Removing a female dog or cat’s ovaries eliminates their heat cycles and generally reduces mating-related behaviors that may frustrate owners. Removing a male dog or cat’s testicles can reduce their breeding instinct, resulting in less roaming and fewer urine-marking behaviors.
Your veterinarian is your best resource. Call All Creatures Great & Small Veterinary Practice at 630-852-0910 today to schedule a consultation and receive answers to your questions about spaying or neutering your pets.
All Creatures Great & Small : 1225 Warren Avenue : Downers Grove, IL 60515 : 630.852.0910 : https://www.downersgrovevet.com/