First installment of Cook County property taxes due March 1

Are you paying the Tax Man more this year? Look closely: Maybe your bill rose because your home is worth more, and not because your tax rates have climbed. That was case for several cities.

The first Installment of Cook County property taxes for tax year 2023 are due March 1.

Cook County Treasurer Maria Pappas’ office posted nearly 1.8 million bills online at in early December and mailed printed bills to taxpayers in late January.

“If you don’t pay your taxes by the due date you end up paying more because of the interest penalty,” Pappas said in a news release. “This is the first tax bill that reflects how we succeeded in slashing the interest rate in half. But the best thing to do is to pay your taxes on time.”

The treasurer’s office accepts partial payments from those unable to pay the full amount. After March 1, any balance due is charged 0.75% per month, as required by state law. Illinois lawmakers in 2023 approved reforms that reduced the interest rate penalty from 1.5% to 0.75 per month, or from 18% to 9% annually.

To make a payment or download a copy of your tax bill, visit Select the blue box labeled “Pay Online for Free” Search by property address or enter your property Index number. Follow the steps as directed. You will need to know your account number and your bank’s routing number. You can also use the website to:

  • Search for $93 million in available refunds
  • Check to see if you are missing out on $57 million in tax exemptions, which can lower the tax bill
  • Read the Pappas Studies, a series of research projects that includes a 20-year history of Cook County property taxes.
Shaw Local News Network

Shaw Local News Network

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