SYCAMORE – An 8-year-old Southeast Elementary School student’s theme chosen for this year’s Sycamore Pumpkin Festival will offer a chance in October for pumpkin decorators to step back in time.
On Wednesday, “Pumpkins of History” was announced as the theme for the 2023 Sycamore Pumpkin Festival, Sycamore’s largest fall festival. The announcement was made as schoolchildren and their families gathered on the front lawn of the DeKalb County Courthouse in Sycamore. The family-friendly downtown affair sees elementary school children each spring pitch a theme idea to the Sycamore Pumpkin Fest Committee.
This year’s contest winner is Harrison Rowland, who said he decided upon “Pumpkins of History” for his entry because he said he believes history is important and loves learning about the subject. The theme was selected out of 73 entrys from seven Sycamore-area elementary schools.
Rowland said he was surprised to have won, but winning the pumpkin theme contest runs in his family. Harrison’s mother, Sarah Rowland, won the contest in 1997 with the theme “Pumpkin Fiesta” and said watching her son win the theme contest was “very exciting.”
“We love Sycamore and this is a big part of it,” Sarah Rowland said.
The 62nd annual Sycamore Pumpkin Festival will be Oct. 25 through 29.
Festival officials said they weren’t aware of any other parent-child duo winning the theme contest in the festival’s lengthy local history.
“We love Sycamore and this is a big part of it.”
— Sarah Rowland, of Sycamore, mother of Harrison Rowland, Pumpkin Fest 2023 theme contest winner
Harrison Rowland said he hasn’t decided on how he plans to decorate his pumpkin, but come October there’s one thing he said he knows he’s excited about: riding in the Pumpkin Fest parade.
Allison Vavra, a fifth grader from St. Mary’s Sycamore, and Finley McDonald, a first grader from Southeast Elementary were selected as runners-up with their entry’s of “Pumpkins Walk the Red Carpet” and " For the Love of Pumpkins,” respectively. As runners-up, Vavra and McDonald also will get to ride in the Sycamore Pumpkin Festival Parade.
All three winners also will cut the giant cake, an annual tradition, during the festival’s opening ceremony.
Cindy Rowland, Harrison Rowland’s grandmother, said it was “very cool” to watch her grandson announced as theme contest winner. “It’s a family thing. Like I said, they’re really into the Pumpkin Festival.”
Harrison Rowland won a $50 check for his winning entry, and Southeast Elementary will receive a $100 check from the Pumpkin Festival Committee for student enrichment.
Vivra and McDonald each won a $25 check.