Rollie Morris Invitational girls meet records

Here’s a look at the girls’ meet records for Hall’s Rollie Morris Invitational which be held today. Field events will start at 10 a.m. with track events at 11:45 a.m.

Shot putKaylynne Terry (Streator)41-102017
DiscusMorgan Foes (Princeton)121-32023
Long jumpJakenna Gilbert (Rock Falls)17-2 1/42004
Triple jumpKendall Rush (Hall)36-12009
High jumpTessa Holland (Fieldcrest)5-72014
Pole vaultMadi Quinn (Hall)10-62016
100mAshly Lowdermilk (Princeton)12.492004
200mBrittany Lowdermilk (Princeton)25.622008
400mAlisa Baron (Bureau Valley)59.092008
800mIsabella Orozco (ACC)2:19.72023
1600mRegan Weidner (Bureau Valley)5:25.592012
3200mRebekah Faber (Princeton)11:13.512003
100HKiara Wesseh (Newark)15.22023
300LHAshley Keaschall (Rock Falls)46.912005
4x100 relayAurora Christian50.822015
4x200 relayAurora Christian1:48.382015
4x400 relayHenry/Midland4:12.062014
4x800 relayPrinceton10:15.642012