News - Kane County

Geneva mayor, 6 aldermanic seats up for April 6 election

Filing period for consolidated election Dec. 14-21

GENEVA – With the election filing period opening on Dec. 14, Geneva officials announced COVID-19 guidelines for candidates seeking a seat on the Geneva City Council in the April 6, 2021 consolidated election.

Filing begins at 8:30 a.m.

Candidates who have signed in no later than 8:30 a.m. at the Geneva City Hall Building Division entrance, 109 James St., will be considered filed at 8:30 a.m.

To comply with the state’s and city’s COVID-19 Tier 3 mitigation measures, candidates should plan on socially distancing while waiting outdoors, wear a mask and complete a health screening.

City staff will then call individuals inside City Hall to file by the respective City Council races up for election, the release stated.

If candidates wish to file after 8:30 a.m. on Dec. 14, they must call the Deputy City Clerk’s Office at 630-938-4544 ahead of time to schedule an appointment between 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. weekdays through Dec. 21.

The city developed COVID-19 election filing protocols given Geneva City Hall has been closed to the general public since Nov. 20 to adhere to the state’s Tier 3 mitigation plan.

The positions for mayor, city clerk, and treasurer along with six aldermanic seats are up.

The seats of 1st Ward Alderman Mike Bruno, 2nd Ward Aldermen Richard Marks and Brad Kosirog, 3rd Ward Alderman Becky Hruby, 4th Ward Alderman Jeanne McGowan and 5th Ward Alderman Robert Swanson are all up.

Kosirog’s seat in the 2nd Ward is for two years to complete an unexpired term.

The other positions are four year terms. Residents interested in running for Geneva City Council in 2021 can find information at

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