News - Grundy County

Grundy County area police reports: April 11, 2018

Police Car

Morris Police Department

• Ashley F. Holding, 31, of Verona was charged with operating an uninsured vehicle at 4:15 p.m. Wednesday, March 29, in the 1200 block of Division Street. Police were responding to an incident where the front wheel of Holding's vehicle came off and struck another vehicle in the oncoming lane.

• Cody V. Bales, 21, of Coal City was charged with possession of a controlled substance at 12:17 a.m. Sunday, April 1, at Ottawa Street and Fremont Avenue, Morris.

• Taylor Creed, 22, of Mazon was charged with possession of a controlled substance at 12:17 a.m. Sunday, April 1, at Ottawa Street and Fremont Avenue, Morris.

• Edward F. Thomas, 34, was charged with driving under the influence of alcohol on April 1.

• Jherad Holcomb, 28, of Morris was picked up on a Grundy County failure-to-appear warrant (driving under the influence liquor) at after police investigated a vehicle crash at 1:12 a.m. Friday, March 31, at 70 W. Gore Road.

• Derek Towns, 33, of Seneca was charged with driving under the influence of alcohol after Morris police investigated a vehicle crash at 1:12 a.m. Friday, March 31, at 70 W. Gore Road.

• Mitchell A. Zelinko, 22, of Dwight was charged with driving under the influence of alcohol, speeding 35 mph over the speed limit and having blood-alcohol content above .08 on March 30, at Fremont Avenue and Ottawa Street.

Daniel Moreno, 25, of Morris was charged with domestic battery at 8:11 p.m. Friday, April 6 in the 400 block of Twighlit Drive, Morris.

Grundy County Sheriff

• Cody Villont, 31, of Elkhorn, Nebraska, was charged with driving with a suspended license Sunday, March 25.

• David A. Schuler, 53, of Oswego was charged with driving under the influence of alcohol and possession of a controlled substance Sunday, March 25.

• Bijon D. Brown, 20, of Kankakee was charged with driving with a suspended license Saturday, March 24.

• Jacline M. Paul, 32, of Waterloo, Iowa, was charged with driving with a revoked license was and picked up on a La Salle County failure-to-appear warrant (driving while license suspended) Saturday, March 24.

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