Daily Chronicle

NIU lists summer grads


The following local students received undergraduate degrees from Northern Illinois University at the end of the summer 2012 semester.

From Cortland: Rebecca Ford

From DeKalb: Brandon Jagers, Emily Bidstrup, Leah Ko, Kurt Marten, Leonel Ortega, Arpita Patel, Emily Porter, Joshua Reed, Emily Rogers, Katie Seelinger, Kimberly Wagner, Pieter Wyckoff, Kara Atwater, Ashley Blakemore, Mathias Garcia, Manling Ge, Megan Gregory, Leslie Hendrickson, Aditi Mahajan, Nicholas McClone, Jalon McDonald, Gerard Moorer, Jonathan Morse, Ronald Newcomb III, Alexandra Orrison, Kurt Ponchak, Damone Rias, Stephanie Smith, Dhairya Soni, Christopher Woeppel, Rosalie Zaccone

From Genoa: Bradley Hayes

From Shabbona: Kelly Ostrom

From Sycamore: Regina Chase-Smith, Deborah Jacobson, Andria Maxwell, Jonathan Cummins, Ryan Friel, Lisa Lynch, Alexandria Mignone

From Waterman: Qian Yang