Letter: Vote to support school bond

Typewritter, letter to the editor

As a third generation, lifelong resident of Joliet, I have witnessed the importance and integral role the school system plays in our community. I have had the privilege of seeing firsthand the dedication and commitment of the educators in our schools. Working alongside District 86 leadership has allowed me a true line of sight to the outstanding work of the district’s fiscal responsibility. With a successful referendum, District 86 will be implementing a comprehensive facilities bond. I have been in every building and understand the extensive repair and/or replacement work that needs to be completed, to allow for a more conducive learning environment. This plan will increase student safety and help put bricks and mortar in place to support the most effective education possible. Our children deserve this, as it will help ensure they are prepared to excel at the next level of their academic career and beyond. To allow this crucial plan to move forward, I would encourage you to join me in support of District 86′s bond referendum.

Your yes vote will provide numerous benefits for students and our community:

All 21 schools will benefit, and without a tax-rate increase.

• Improving safety and security.

• Extending the useful life of existing facilities.

• Improving indoor air quality and comfort level.

• Improving accessibility for students, staff and visitors.

• Addressing overcrowding and improving educational outcomes.

• Enhancing energy efficiency.

• Attracting and retaining quality teachers.

• Protecting property values.

Early voting is held from March 20 to April 3. Find early-voting locations here: www.willcountyclerk.gov/elections/early-voting.

You can also vote by mail. Go to www.willcountyclerk.gov/elections/vote-by-mail.

Election Day is April 4. Visit www.YesD86.org

Jeff Pritz
