Help available for older Will County residents wanting to register for COVID-19 vaccine

More than 70,000 residents have registered online so far

Pharmacy Manager Nicole Costa prepares the first dose of Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine to be administered on Wednesday, Dec. 16, 2020, at AMITA Health Saint Joseph Medical Center in Joliet, Ill. Health care workers from AMITA Health Saint Joseph Medical Center received the first round of vaccinations in Will County.

The Will County Health Department and Senior Services of Will County announced a partnership to assist older residents in the county to register for a COVID-19 vaccination when they become available.

The county health department opened a survey last month for residents to submit relevant health information to the county to help plan for vaccine distribution when they are able to get inoculated.

Some older residents have had some difficulty registering, so Senior Services of Will County offered assistance to the health department, according to a news release.

Residents may call Senior Services at 815-723-9713 for staff assistance over the phone. If a Senior Services volunteer is not available at that time, the caller’s phone number will be taken, and they will be called back soon by a volunteer.

More than 70,000 Will County residents have already registered for a COVID-19 vaccine, according to the release. When vaccine doses become available, the health department will use the information to reach out to eligible residents when a clinic is open for them so they can make an appointment to get their shot.

The survey can be accessed by going to the Will County Health Department website at and clicking on where it says “Click here to register for the vaccine” on the top-left blue section of the website’s homepage.

Will County health care workers are still being inoculated in the first phase of the vaccine distribution plan. Residents over 65 will be included in the next phase.

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