2022 Kendall County Board District 1 primary election news
Asked if he would support Kendall County joining the RTA as a condition to obtain Metra commuter rail service for the county, candidate Todd Milliron said: "Only if there is an RTA tax referendum vote and the majority votes for Metra train service to Kendall County."
Asked if there is fat in the Kendall County budget, Marta Keane, a candidate for a county board seat in District 1 said, "While there is some fat in the County budget, the vast majority of the funds are dedicated to provided services our residents and businesses need."
Kendall County Board member Brian DeBolt of Plano was the top vote-getter in the GOP primary for a seat on the Kendall County Board from District 1.
Asked about property taxes, Kendall County Board candidate Jason Peterson wrote, "First, I would go over the budget with a fine tooth comb to better understand our deficits. I’d promote a more common sense approach to spending." Read the full questionnaire here.
The candidates also expressed a variety of opinions when asked by the Record Newspapers in a questionnaire if they believe there is fat in the county budget
The candidates in the June 28 party primary election, also voiced differing opinions when asked if they would support the county joining the Regional Transportation Authority as a condition for obtaining Metra service.
Kendall County Board candidate Seth Wormley said he would not support the county joining the Regional Transit Authority (RTA) as a condition for obtaining Metra's services. Read Wormley's full election questionnaire here.
Asked what local bridge and road projects the county should focus on, Kendall County Board candidate Scott Gengler said "In District 1, I would like to see the widening of State Route 47 from Caton Farm Road, south of Yorkville, all the way to Sugar Grove."
"After reviewing the budget I see there are serval departments that could reduce or eliminate spending: Health and Human Resources and Capital Expenditures," Malanda Griffin, Kendall County Board candidate wrote in her election questionnaire.
Kendall County Board candidate Brian DeBolt said the county should "bring in more commerce and industry to Kendall County to lessen the tax burden on tax payers." Read DeBolt's full election questionnaire here.
Kendall County Board candidate Ruben Rodriguez wrote in his election questionnaire that, "One of biggest priorities was the Eldamain Bridge project and it’s close to coming to fruition." Read the full election questionnaire here.