Franklin Creek Conservation Association announces summer solstice gathering on June 22

FRANKLIN GROVE – The Franklin Creek Conservation Association will host a summer solstice gathering at 5 p.m. Saturday, June 22, at the Franklin Creek Grist Mill, 1893 Twist Road.

The event will feature food and Celtic music. Food stands will open at 5:30 p.m. The music will be performed at 6:30 p.m. by Turas and bagpiper Mike Wilcox. Attendees are encouraged to bring blankets or lawn chairs.

Attendees can wear Celtic attire. An award will be presented for the best Celtic outfit. Participants can bring their own beverages.

Tickets cost $20. To buy tickets, call or text 779-251-0312, 815-440-4035, or 815-440-4016.

The association also is accepting photo entries for its 2025 Franklin Creek calendar photo contest. The photos will be used in the Franklin Creek Conservation Association’s 2025 calendar.

The pictures must be taken at the Franklin Creek State Natural Area or the Franklin Creek Headwaters. Participants can take photos of wildlife, the Franklin Creek State Natural Area or Franklin Creek Headwaters landscapes, and people at the park.

The winner will receive a free calendar. The calendars will be for sale at the grist mill and local businesses. Proceeds will benefit the association.

Photos must be submitted by Monday, July 1. To submit an entry, email

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