Celebrate National Senior Independence Month by becoming an SCVN volunteer

Senior Care Volunteer Network

February is designated National Senior Independence Month and brings with it the opportunity to celebrate and empower the older adults in your community.

“Life is meant to be lived to the fullest, so no matter what changes you encounter as you age, it’s important to maintain independence,” said Senior Care Volunteer Network Outreach Director Laura Turasky.

Since 1998, the not-for-profit SCVN’s mission has been to support adults ages 60 and better in McHenry County by connecting them with volunteers to deliver the services and resources they require to remain in their own homes.

“Seniors living an independent lifestyle have a greater sense of purpose and bring value to their community,” Turasky said.

Case in point: roughly 80% of SCVN volunteers are seniors themselves.

“And our volunteer network served almost 1,800 seniors in the last 12 months,” Turasky said.

Some of the services SCVN volunteers are able to fulfill include transportation to life-critical and life-enriching destinations, friendly visits and birthday acknowledgements, minor home repairs to maintain senior safety, yard work projects, shopping, meeting food security needs for those with limited access to groceries or limited grocery budgets, and supplying incontinence products. SCVN also houses the largest medical equipment loan closet in McHenry County in which items such as wheelchairs, walkers, canes, crutches, and more, are donated, sanitized, and recycled back out to those in need.

Turasky often fields inquiries on what seniors and their families can do to make sure their senior loved ones can continue living safely and independently.

“And I always answer, ‘reach out to the SCVN office and we will connect you with our volunteer program to deliver the community resources needed,’” she said.

Consider celebrating National Senior Independence Month by becoming an SCVN volunteer. Forms can be found at https://scvnmchenrycounty.org/volunteer-form/.

Senior Care Volunteer Network : 42 East Street Suite C : Crystal Lake, IL 60014 : 815.455.3120 : https://www.scvnmchenrycounty.org/