Letter: Vote for Mark Indyke


I have known Mark Indyke for over 10 years. He has been one of the most engaged people I’ve met who genuinely cares for the city of Woodstock. Indyke attends council meetings, plan commission meetings, and economic development commission meetings in person. He provides observations and thoughts from his experiences to improve the process at the meetings.

Indyke has been on the fireworks committee the town enjoys every year for years. You probably saw him collecting parking fees to help defray the costs. During his nine years on the Woodstock Transportation Commission, Indyke was directly involved in getting a sidewalk installed when the township expanded, working with Woodstock’s Public Works and the township to share costs.

On another occasion, he heard about a handicapped woman being trapped on her block because there were no corner ramps to cross the streets. Indyke brought it to the city’s attention, which acknowledged the issue and installed ramps.

Subsequent to the Transportation Commission’s dissolution, Indyke has continued to work with Project Lead the Way. The project enlists District 200 high school students to study and report issues within the city. The program has gone on for nine years. There has been a positive impact on students being exposed to how a city works.

He is running for Woodstock’s City Council, where I’m sure he will have a positive influence working on current and future issues. I strongly urge voters to consider and vote for Mark Indyke.

Andrew Celentano


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