At Groundhog Day in Woodstock, will the real Ned Ryerson please stand up?

Costumes and characters dot the festivities

Tyler Hubbard of Belvidere dressed up like Ned Ryerson for Groundhog Day in Woodstock, Sunday, Feb. 2, 2025.

As Stephen Tobolowsky, who played insurance agent Ned Ryerson in the 1993 cult classic “Groundhog Day,” shared Willie’s forecast with the crowd Sunday in Woodstock, Ned’s doppelganger was listening in the audience.

Tyler Hubbard of Belvidere said he and his wife, Heather Berg, found a coat that looked like Ned’s at Goodwill. He then put together the rest of the character’s ensemble and wore it around town for Groundhog Days over the weekend.

“That’s almost spot-on,” Hubbard said.

It was the first year Hubbard dressed up like Ryerson, but said he didn’t pick the outfit because of Ned Ryerson’s return.

Hubbard ran the inaugural Woodstock Groundhog Days 5K on Saturday morning – in full Ryerson costume – and got a picture with the real Ned.

He captured Tobolowsky’s attention with the outfit, and after the race he and Tobolowsky spoke about the outfit.

“He told Tyler he embarrassed him,” Berg, who also serves as Hubbard’s hype person, said.

Tobolowsky was the starter for the 5K run, which was new this year.

Hubbard got lots of attention for his apparel. During his interview with the Northwest Herald, someone came up and asked “Let me guess, you sell insurance?”

A few attendees paid tribute to the furry prognosticator of seasons with groundhog onesies.

Erica Johnson, left, of Lemont and Mary Gallagher of Gilberts honored the groundhog Sunday, Feb. 2, 2025 with groundhog onesies.

Erica Johnson of Lemont and Mary Gallagher of Gilberts were among those in groundhog attire. The two have attended Groundhog Day for many years.

“It’s tradition,” Johnson said.

Gallagher said it was the “only reason” they get up at 5 a.m. on a Sunday. Both were delighted with Willie’s verdict. Johnson said she was ready for boating.

“No more snow,” Gallagher said.

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