Morris Area Public Library to host barbershop quartet Aug. 16 in Goold Park

The Morris Area Public Library at 607 Liberty St.

The Morris Area Public Library will host a barbershop quartet at 6:30 p.m. Friday, Aug. 16, in Goold Park.

Take Note will serenade the park before a screening of “Mary Poppins.”

“Barbershop quartets, known for their harmonious melodies and rich history, will captivate the audience with their unique blend of vocal prowess and nostalgic charm,” according to a Aug. 6 news release. “Originating in the early 20th century, these groups are characterized by close four-part harmony, featuring lead, tenor, baritone and bass voices. Their distinctive a cappella style relies solely on vocal precision and musical intuition to create intricate chords without instrumental accompaniment.”

The screening of “Mary Poppins” is part of the Movies in the Park series, and residents are welcome to bring friends, family and picnic blankets to watch the movie under the stars. There will be a food truck on site.

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