The Morris Lions Club is hosting its annual Easter Egg Hunt at 10:30 a.m. Saturday, March 30 in Goold Park.
Those under the age of 10 may participate, and the park will be sectioned off by age groups. The age groups are sectioned as follows: 0 to 3-year-olds and 4 to 5-year-olds will be at the top of the park, across from the high school parking lot, and 6 to 7-year-olds and 8 to 10-year-olds will be at the bottom of the park by the pool.
Parents are asked to bring their child to the appropriate age groups.
The Easter Bunny will be available for photos with the whole family. Kids should bring their own basket for collecting eggs, and look out for the special egg that has a special prize for each age group.