Letter: Committed to protecting students’ rights

keyboard, letter to the editor

To the Editor:

I have raised four children in SD308. As a blended family, my children have attended a total of nine schools within the district. Over the years, I have been involved with the gifted and special ed programs, various sports and music programs, and I have volunteered in many capacities.

I am submitting this letter in support of Dr. Amy Murillo, Mary Jo Wenmouth, Dominick Cirone and Jared Ploger as candidates for the SD308 School Board election. I believe these four candidates are committed to protecting students’ rights and needs while respecting parental choice and the financial interests of taxpayer households. This slate of candidates combines a true understanding of district funding issues, experience with the challenges of teaching in today’s environment, and they are all fellow taxpayers who want the most return on their investment in our schools.

I feel that Dr. Amy Murillo, Mary Jo Wenmouth, Dominick Cirone and Jared Ploger offer our school district the brightest and most promising future, which is why I will vote for them on or before April 4.

Laura Chamness
