Waubonsee Community College currently is seeking input from district residents to help in the development of its long-term strategic plan.
All Waubonsee community members, alumni, industry partners, local employers, students, and employees are encouraged to complete a brief survey, available in English and Spanish at waubonsee.edu/StrategicPlan, according to a news release from the college.
Part I of the survey should only take five minutes to complete. Respondents may opt to answer additional questions in Part II.
The survey participants are asked the following questions:
- Their affiliation with the college
- What five words would you use to describe Waubonsee today?
- What five words would you use to describe Waubonsee in the future?
- What is Waubonsee doing well?
- What could Waubonsee do better?
All survey responses are anonymous to guarantee that the college receives open and honest feedback.
“As the community’s college, it’s so important that we hear as many voices as possible as we chart our future direction,” Waubonsee President Dr. Brian Knetl said in the release.
“It’s through dialogue and collaboration that we can best determine how to help our students succeed and our communities thrive – now and for years to come,” Knetl said.
Once the overarching plan is finalized this fall, three operational subplans will also be developed – Strategic Enrollment Management, Continuous Improvement, and Technology, according to the college.