Volunteer English tutors needed in St. Charles

Literacy Volunteers Fox Valley is looking for volunteers to attend their free tutor training workshops during March and April at the St. Charles Public Library.

Literacy Volunteers Fox Valley is looking for Kane County volunteers to attend its free tutor training workshops in April at the St. Charles Public Library.

LVFV offers one-to-one tutoring in reading, writing, speaking and understanding English to adults who live or work in St. Charles, Batavia, Geneva, Elburn, Campton Hills, LaFox, Lily Lake, Wasco and Wayne.

Workshops will be from 6:30 to 9 p.m. Tuesdays and Thursdays on April 9, 11, 16 and 18.

Workshops will be in the library, 1 S. Sixth Ave.

LVFV was founded in St. Charles in 1986 to help community members with low literary skills and empower them to participate fully in the community. Today, the organization is still on the same mission but serving a much larger community.

Volunteers are asked to give about an hour of their time each week. Those who wish to volunteer their services or make a donation should visit the LVFV website.

Each trained volunteer will be matched with an adult learner. They will meet one hour each week in a public setting at their convenience.

Volunteers do not need to know a second language or have teaching experience to be successful tutors. The workshops will provide material and instruction.

To register for the free workshop or for more information, visit www.lvfv.org or call or text 630-584-4428.