Local News

Safe Passage welcomes new board member, president

DEKALB – Safe Passage, DeKalb County’s domestic violence and sexual assault crisis center, voted in its new board of directors for 2021-22.

Nancy Partch of DeKalb, a retired administrator at Kishwaukee College, was voted the board’s new president. Nancy joined the board of directors in 2016 and has served as the board’s vice president.

“In my previous position at Kishwaukee College, I collaborated closely with Safe Passage on prevention programming, Title IX initiatives and providing confidential adviser services,” Partch said in a news release. “I was incredibly impressed with the talent and dedication of the agency staff and the scope of the programming available to the community. When I was offered the opportunity to join the board, I jumped at the chance to serve. I am proud to support the mission and vision of the organization and its focus on the dignity of every individual. I believe Safe Passage truly changes lives and is vital to the health and safety of the community.”

Former board President Mike Kokott was voted in as the ex-officio to continue with assistance of the Safe Passage’s “New Beginnings” capital campaign.

Eva Rey was voted in as the agency’s newest board member. Rey joins the rest of the board: Art Bingham, Evan King, Nancy Proesel, Tarryn Thaden, Katheryne Russell, Savannah Ilenikhena, Darby Dwyer, Anastasia Tsiagalis, Staci Hoste and Beth Moser.

For information about joining Safe Passage’s board of directors or serving on a planning committee for the capital campaign, call Safe Passage at 815-756-7930.

Katrina Milton

Katrina J.E. Milton

Award-winning reporter and photographer for Shaw Media publications, including The Daily Chronicle and The MidWeek newspapers in DeKalb County, Illinois, since 2012.