DeKALB – A late-night calzone fast casual spot has reopened in DeKalb, after the City of DeKalb earlier this summer ordered D.P. Dough to close over its alleged failure to pay local taxes.
D.P. Dough, 215 W. Lincoln Highway, was ordered by the city on June 25 to cease and desist operations, according to a notice sign posted on the door. A corporate official Jason Griffin, D.P. Dough vice president, told Shaw Local News Network in July the DeKalb location under its former ownership “performed horribly.” Griffin said the franchisee “didn’t pay the bill.”
City officials have no said how much was owed in back taxes. City Manager Bill Nicklas previously said the shop was almost four months behind in paying the city’s restaurant/bar tax.
The calzone shop is back to offering patrons its signature dishes under new corporate ownership.
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