News - Kane County

DeKalb woman charged in Geneva with having gun without permit

Felicia Woods

GENEVA – A woman was charged with felony unlawful use of a weapon for having a handgun without a concealed carry permit, according to police reports.

Felicia R. Woods, 40, of the 1100 block of West Lincoln Highway, DeKalb, was charged Sept. 13. The felony charge carries a punishment of one to three years in prison and a possible fine of up to $25,000.

According to police reports, an officer pulled Woods over for speeding at 1:28 a.m. in the 400 block of West State Street. When she opened her glove box to get her registration and insurance, the officer saw a black handgun in there, and neither she nor her passenger had a concealed right to carry.

Woods also received a written warning for speeding.

According to court records, Woods was released after posting $500 bail, 10 percent of a $5,000 bond that was set. She is scheduled to appear in court Oct. 15.

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